why do you do what you do to me, yeah
Basically, life doesn't stop on account of what YOU are feeling or thinking. It keeps trudging along. This past week, I think I learned that people aren't what you think they are. When they do something you think is "uncharacteristic" of them, maybe it's not. Maybe that's them, and you didn't know them as well as you may have thought. People are so oblivious to what goes on around them, including myself. I wonder what all I miss out on and don't pick up on as I see there is a hell of a lot of that going on around me.Don't dwell on things. I think about things an awful lot, things that probably didn't deserve much attention in the first place. The "why's" and the "what if's"... does that stuff really matter? probably not as much as we make it out to.I'm finding a lot of comfort in music right now, because it is allowing me to feel what I am feeling without needing to discuss it with anyone. pretty powerful stuff.well, '30 seconds to mars' concert on the 30th. stoked.oh yeah... & miracles DO happen.
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