saturday i got to see the infamous HONEY GROVE and katie showed me around to all the places that one tree hill filmed at when they were there. it was awesome. =D then i made the drive home which was pleasant, maybe because i had an awesome night the night before but i did like the drive... it was loverly. then i got home.. swam, ran, showered, went to nannys and walmart to get things to make dads scrapbook i made him for fathers day. productive day i will say
then today i woke up super late because i went to sleep at like 6am. had a terrible migraine. got rid of it then hung out with nanny and the family. read mom and dads old love letters. lol then i rented waiting and madea goes to jail. had an amazing dinner, hung out with grayson and swam a bit, watched juno and currently watching WAITING.
im sure more things have happened since i last posted but i dont feel like racking my brain as to what those things might have been.
::megan rene'
youre a part time lover and a full time friend.
okay... the week has gone by & i never finished this post so here goes nothin.
i made a HUGE decision today and i am hoping its for the best but i cant be for sure yet i guess... i guess you may be wondering what it was. i have decided not to attend lon morris this fall and play softball on a softball scholarship. i love the game with all my heart, but i have quite a few things that i need to work on for me and for the rest of my life to pan out nicely... such as school, a real job, and losing weight and such. i want to be happy with my weight, so i really need to focus on that without worrying if i can fit into a softball uniform and not look like a complete lard ass and also my studying habits SUCK. so hopefully in this next year i can work on both of those with some success. :) i am actually really looking forward to it. the success part. i really REALLY wanted to go to school with one of my best friends and a girl i love with all my heart and consider her more of a sister than a friend any day. i do feel like i am letting her down as well as the other people who saw how grayson played out for me and wanted better for me and KNEW i was better than that. but i know honestly that i could have helped out on the team at grayson and believe i would have brought something to the team that they missed out on by not giving me that opportunity in ths spring. i will have to say that i am VERY upset that i will never be in the dugout like that, in big competition and screaming my lungs out with girls that i love and consider family... but i didnt have that at grayson so i can say i have been used to not having that for over a year now. i did consider them my family, yes... but the screaming and intensity of it how it used to be definitely wasnt there for me with all that was going on. so of course i cant be positive about all this right now... but i have made the decision and now i gotta stick to it. not too excited to explain it to everyone either but oh well... gotta make something of myself now. (:
other than that, the past week was pretty good, was with my kids like always (: -- been swimmin like crazy.. yesterday was the first day in a week and a half that i didnt go swimming... haha i love it. brooke is in colorado now for a week with the church, so i will definitely be missing her. anyways.. ill put pics and stuff up later because im babysitting...
::megan rene'
--addtions to my post (: