so, a lot has happened since my last post. i found out that denyse (the mother of the kids i babysit) has pulled grayson from daycare, so i get to keep him all summer and not just a few days a week! im super excited! my first day of babysitting was friday and it was awesome as expected. (: we all got up and moving around 10:30 ish and then layed around a while... next thing we did was go get the little kitten that brandon's friend gave to him! it is so cute and tiny! they named it smokey i think... the name changes every two seconds, GO FIGURE! :P then i took some sweet pics of them jumping on their new trampoline! then i had to ump and it was absolutely HORRIBLE. it has never been that bad. coaches and parents were awful and all i could do was laugh at their stupidity and rudeness. [even thought they were wrong still. ha!] people are dumb. haha
got back from florida thursday afternoon and i brought back a lot of things to remember it by! shells, pics, shirts, shot glasses, keychains... and things like that. got some people some things. haha that they will LOVE and do LOVE. (: hmm about florida. it was so pretty and i was glad to get to go the beach again this summer but i was also verrry happy to be back home too! we went to panama city and i loved it! we drank, layed out, swam, shopped, and ate.. that was about the jist of it. the people we went with were a ton of fun though. just wasnt all how i had hoped in some ways... but in others it was good.
well like i said i got home thursday, babysat friday, and yesterday KATIE, RYAN, AND NEELEY (aka::nilly) came to stay the night in whitehouse with me! we didnt really do much because so many people are out of town and all... but we had a good time. we went to see the hangover yesterday and it was HILARIOUS all the way through... it was so great. haha and then we came back and dad cooked out and a bunch of people came over. hmm the hearon kiddos, kevin & denyse, nana and poppa, jack and jackson, beej and erica, allison... and then us four. it was some fun. and mom bought stuff for us to drink which is COMPLETELY out of character for her. lol but good for us. we just hung out with everyone and messed around.... they got to see a little bit of the whitehouse life (: then we watched wanted and went to sleep. this morning we got up to dad bringin breakfast home from the donut palace and we sat and watched boston legal with him for a little bit. then, ironically, the episode of one tree hill that katie, ryan, and neeley are in was on tv as a re-run and the channel happened to be on SOAPnet so that was freakin weird. haha so we watched that and my mom freaked out and what not. then we went to dairy queen and they headed back home to get things done there! it was a good visit but entirely too short! they will hopefully head back down here again ASAP for a longer weekend and one where we can get on the lake :) :)
on the plus side, dane cook is in 12 days!!! got neeley's money to her and now i can REALLY be excited about going to see dane cook SECOND row on the 19th!!! ahhh its going to be great! and that means it wont be long until i see all them again either! :) plus ryan and hunter will be there too!! its going to be a lot of fun! now we just got figure out the riding arrangements... :P
well this is the first week im gonna start working out again and stuff... starts tonight so... wish me luck. ya know i hate it. well my smokey is in california and i miss her like crazy plus i was hoping the girls would get to meet her, and taylor smith (who was at a family thing in trinity), and jordan (in orlando), and doodle (in florida)... so that didnt all quite work out. but they met beeeej and allison and my kiddos and pootchop! so its all good :)
im currently looking at the songs jordan puts at the bottom of her blog anf downloading them. dont make fun :)
::megan rene'
pics from the past week and a half or so (:

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