last time i updated she still had a little over a week here and now she is in florida having a blasty blast! ahhh. but being an A.S. without her isnt the same. at ALL. haha
WELL. big news since i have last been on here regarding MY LIFE. ha JUNE 19th i am going to see dane cook in dallas with katie and her friend neeley (or nilly as i like to refer to her as) and i am super stoked! 2nd row seats baby! another big surprise is that i am leaving for panama city beach in florida thursday!! me and taylor and all these other people i dont know are going. haha buuut i have never been to florida so i am excited! i thought maybe it was going to be close to where jordan is, but its definitely not. so thats no good. =/ but this means i will be missing graduation parties and my sisters last day of school and the joe's cafe for the junior high on the last day too. which is amazing by the way. i went and saw the jr high one and the high school one last week and the junior high definitely worked harder on theirs. (: i loved it! but i wanted to see it again too... i am hoping i can buy the dvd or video of it if someone records it! angela and brandon both do awesome in it! (: oh another exciting thing is next summer, the hearons are going on a cruise to the bahamas and they definitely said they were taking ME! i am soooo excited! (: yay! so right now things are pretty great.
yesterday i got to see cortney again! this is the second time i have seen her over break.. her momma made me a VERY nice lunch when i was staying with my mimi and then she came to tyler yesterday for some stuff so me and my kiddos met her at the mall and hung out for a little while. (: i also have seen montana too already. sooo ryan, katie, abby, brittany... where ya at guys? come freakin see ME! i miss yall!
oh my gosh... the last three nights have been so much fun! saturday, my smokey spent the night... and we had a blast. sunday my gator spent the night, and we had soooo much fun!! =) and then last night i stayed at taylor russell's house and that was fun too! (: summer is going very well.... and i can definitely say there have been some unexpected surprises that have happened so far, but i am rollin with em and planning on making the most out of all of it.
on the flip side, they shorted me 20 bucks in my check last week for umping and that it just unacceptable. lol they better not forget it on this next one or all hell is about to break loose! hahaha and when i get back from florida, i will start keeping brandon, alyssa, and grayson during the days again. swimmin, eatin, drivin, pictures and the works! im so happy that its summer time! (: buuut i am getting a membership at a gym when i get back from florida because i still havent made myself work out and thats what i need to get to gettin on. so if i pay money i gotta go. haha =P sad that that has to be my incentive to go. but oh well, whatever works.
well i need to go get ready for tonight. i have two little games to ump and i am hoping they run rule them because i love leaving early and still getting the same pay. (: haha
-room's clean, im havin fun, and now im makin money. LIFE IS GOOD.

oh yeah.. kris allen won american idol. so great!
--oh yeah again!! im pissed and happy at the same time... there WILL be a 7th season of one tree hill but my favorite character isnt gonna be in it! PEYTONNN!!!! ahhh.. i dont know what to do with myself.
::megan rene'