im sitting here with my sister listening to music and scanning old pictures to my computer. i love it that my mom is a picture fanatic! today is mothers day and i did some pretty good things for my mom... a picture collage, third season of greys, a card, and a mix cd. =] lucky mom right there. lol
well we got second in the regional tournament so i came home friday. i have already got to hang out with brandon, alyssa, and grayson and i got to see justin friday. its pretty exciting. but now i need to unpack and do laundry. my room is full of bags and baskets of stuff. dad is not too happy about it. and i was also not happy when he woke me up yesterday morning by pouring cold water on me and telling me to clean it up. i was a little bit pissed actually. that wouldnt have happened at school. lol
well thats about all.
::megan rene'
here are some pics of grayson when i took him to his t-ball game. (=
so cute!

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